We invite all who attend (members and guests) to consider giving prayerfully and generously as they are able.
Your generous giving to His Light Homeland not only helps to fund this ministry, but it also allows us to serve the community in a variety of practical ways and helps to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through local (domestic) missions as well as foreign missionaries. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your generosity and our prayer is that you will be mightily blessed for your thoughtfulness.
Facilitates automatic giving; doesn’t depend on cash or checks; it’s quick and secure; allows givers to choose which fund to support; It’s easy and fast.
(1) Send a text to: (951)749-5660.
(2) Enter an amount.
(3) Click the link to set-up your account.
(4) SAVE (951) 749-5660 to your contacts.
Please make your tax-deductible check payable to:
His Light
Mailing address:
31336 US Hwy 74
Homeland, Ca 92548